Asparagus with Sweet Curry Aioli

Some associates and I were once fortunate enough to be invited to Robison Ranch in Walla Walla, WA and to do some cooking with this farming and food-centric family. Jim Robison taught me this simple and delicious aioli topping for asparagus that became a household favorite that the kids refer to as "that asparagus sauce". Folks are always mystified by its ingredients, usually guessing that it contains mustard. The method of cooking green vegetables in salted water helps retain the bright green color, and does not impart a strong salty flavor.
Yield 4 servings

1/2 cup mayonnaise
2 teaspoons sweet curry powder
1 tablespoon salt
1 pound fresh asparagus

1 Mix mayonnaise and curry powder well, cover and refrigerate for 1/2 hour.

2 Trim tough stalk ends from asparagus. In a wide pot, bring 2 inches of water to boil. When water boils, add one tablespoon of salt. When salt has dissolved, add asparagus.

3 Cook asparagus 2 to 7 minutes until crisp tender (cooking times can vary depending on freshness and thickness of your spears - test by piercing with a fork).

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